Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 4 Critical Reading Passage

1) Do you think social networking sites have made a positive or negative impact on your life and our society? - The internet made life easier but also it can be bad because the way people use the internet.
2) How have social networking sites changed the structure of social relationships?
- Many people use the internet to look for people to date and go on online dating sites.
3) As of 2011, it is legal for colleges and businesses to view the social networking profiles of applicants. Do you think that is a violation of their privacy?
- I dont think it is a violation of private property.
  1. Impact- the force with which one object hits another
  2. Percieve- to notice something, especially something that escapes the notice of others
  3. Structure- the way in which the different parts of something link or work together, or the fact of being linked together

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