Thursday, December 8, 2011

Quarter 2, Week 7 Critical Reading Passage

China’s economy has grown very quickly over the last 30 years due to the number of
1) __________ they send to countries like the United States. It is almost impossible to name a product that Americans use that is not 2) __________from China – toys, clothes, electronics, and furniture. The Chinese government has spent more than $568 billion on improving transportation in China in order to increase the Chinese economy. One recent development has been the introduction of a bullet train that runs between two major Chinese cities.
Its 3) __________ is not just to transport passengers, but to help increase China’s economy by helping to transport goods between cities faster.In 2009, China became the world’s largest
4) __________ of goods to the rest of the world. It is expected that China’s economy will become the world’s largest by 2027, beating out the United States. It is difficult for the United States to compete with China. We 5) __________ four items from China for everything
6) __________ that we send there. This means fewer jobs for U.S. workers and more jobs for Chinese workers. The benefit that Americans receive from the high number of Chinese imports is that it allows U.S. stores to offer lower priced goods. However, many Americans feel that the U.S. government’s 7) __________ is to decrease this trade deficit if the U.S. wants to remain the largest economy in the world.
1.) exports
2.) imported
3.) function
4.) imports
5.) export
6.) functions
7.) function

The people from china should buy goods from the U.S because we could help them make more money. The could guarantee that those iteams that they try to sell us work. Also that they should add a one year replacement if it has a difunction. the U.S should just lower there prices and stuff wouold just get bought.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Q2, Week 6 Critical Reading Passage

What would you do if someone gave you a credit card with a $20,000 limit? - I would use the credit card to buy some clothes, haircut, and some other stuff. I would have fun with the card. What would you do if the credit card company asked for all of their money back and 10% interest on what you had spent?- I would tell them that they are crazy because they didnt tell me I had to pay them back plus interest. I also would give them the stuff I bought if they got all crazy.
What are some of the consequences of bankruptcy?- You lose your house, car, and other stuff that you owned that you bought with that card.